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AllTrials video – make clinical trials count

It’s time all clinical trial results are reported. Watch this video and change something.

Results from around half of clinical trials have never been published. Information on what was done and what was found in these trials could be lost forever to doctors and researchers, leading to bad treatment decisions, missed opportunities for good medicine, and […]

19th May 2014|

Share the AllTrials Twitpic

Help us reach 100,000 signatures on the AllTrials petition – share this image on Facebook and Twitter.

Click on the image to open a full-sized version.

“Results from half of all clinical trials remain hidden.
Contributions from hundreds of thousands of patients in those trials remain unused and unusable.
Sign the AllTrials petition to make them count.”

Or press retweet below:
Results […]

14th May 2014|

Host the AllTrials button

Please add one of the following buttons/banners to your website to help spread the word about the AllTrials campaign. We have created the most commonly sized graphics. Let us know where you’ve added our logo, if you need other sizes, and any other suggestions or feedback.

Full size

Copy and paste the code below into your webpage HTML:
<a href=”” […]

1st January 2014|

AllTrials slides to add to your presentation

Help spread the word and get more people and organisations to add their voices to the AllTrials campaign by adding a slide or two to your conference, meeting, or journal club presentation. We’ve created two versions of some Powerpoint slides:

A stand alone slide  with an overview of the campaign.
A presentation with six slides and […]

7th October 2013|