Ask everyone you know to sign the petition:
- Sign the petition yourself.
- Ask 10 of your friends, family and colleagues to sign the petition
- Email everyone you know with a link to the petition: put it on your blog, put it on your Facebook page and Tweet about it
Spread the word:
- Host the AllTrials web button on your website
- We are constantly adding new content to the site and you are welcome to repost on your website
- If you’re giving a talk at a conference add our slides to your presentation. We’ve prepared a stand alone slide
with an overview of the campaign and a presentation
with six slides and more details about the campaign, quotes from organisations and details of how people can get involved. These slides contain basic information so feel free to edit them for your own needs and do give us feedback. Please do let us know where and when you use these slides and what response you got.
- We need to hear from you. Have you written about or given a talk about trial transparency? Get in touch
Help us make the arguments:
- Tell us who you’ve spoken to about AllTrials
- Tell us any arguments you’ve heard against the campaign
We need more organisations to support the campaign.
We especially need organisations from outside the UK. Here’s how you can help:
- Ask your employer to sign campaign. They can do this by getting in touch with us here:
- Ask your professional body, and its international associations, to sign
- Ask your employer or professional body to host the AllTrials web button on its website
- Write a short article for your organisation’s newsletter. (You are welcome to use any material from this site to help)
Contact politicians about specific issues:
At certain times during the campaign we’ll be asking for your help with very specific issues but in the mean time you can:
- If you’re in the EU you can write to your national health minister and ask them to ensure that clinical trial transparency is at the heart of clinical trial regulation.
- If you’re in the UK you can use the writetothem website to contact your local MP and tell them the British Government needs to support the EMA in its legal battle with two pharmaceutical companies preventing it from releasing trial data
- If you’re in the US then write to your State Governor and let them know you support the Trial and Experimental Studies Transparency (TEST) Act
We need your support
To keep the momentum of the campaign going we need resources. Can your organisation donate to support the campaign? You can donate to the AllTrials campaign here