Sign and share
Ask 10 friends, family members and colleagues to sign the petition.
Email everyone you know with a link to the petition:
Post the petition on your blog, share it on Facebook and Tweet about it with #AllTrials.
Share news from our site (feel free to repost it on your website).
Spread the word
Watch, share and post the AllTrials videos.
Host the AllTrials button on your website.
Print and share the AllTrials flyer.
Read our answers to common objections and tell us any arguments you’ve heard for or against the campaign.
Give talks about AllTrials using our standalone slide or presentation. Feel free to edit them for your own needs and give us feedback. Let us know if you have written about or given a talk about trial transparency.
Ask your organisation to join
Tell your company, university, professional body or other organisation why it is important for them to join AllTrials.
Contact us for more information about how to sign as an organisation.
AllTrials relies on donations from people like you. Donate to the AllTrials campaign here