Last week, AllTrials and the Ethical Medicines Industry Group wrote to the Health Research Authority (HRA), to let them know that AllTrials supporters, the UK biopharmaceutical industry, and the English Courts support their continued work on clinical trials transparency.  Today, the HRA published a responding letter from Dr Janet Wisely, CEO of the HRA, alongside a statement in relation to the judicial review.

Dr Janet Wisely, CEO, Health Research Authority said:

“We remain fully committed to our work on research transparency. We are grateful for the support of EMIG and Sense about Science and will continue to work with you and others in taking this important work forward”.

In response to the Court finding that some of the HRAs website was unclear, Dr Wisely said:

“We have now made the immediate remedy in updating the relevant website materials to address the Court findings that our website material was ambiguous in identifying best practice or legal requirements”.

In its statement, the HRA made it clear that it will continue to monitor researchers clinical trial registration and reporting habits.

“Whilst appreciating the need to set out clearly the distinction between best practice and legal requirements, in doing so we wish to reassure patients, the public and others of the high regard that we place on both of these and of our continuing commitment to do so. In accordance with our statutory responsibilities to both patients and the public, the HRA will make reasonable enquiries of researchers, research sponsors and others to ensure those standards are demonstrably met.”

Organisations all over the world that have a role in overseeing, protecting and promoting health research should follow the example of the HRA, taking steps to ensure researchers and research sponsors maintain ethical and legal standards.  If you have dealings with people at these organisations, please make them aware of these letters, and let us know how your conversations with them go.