Please respond today to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine’s (FPM) consultation on whether it should tell its members they must register and report all clinical trials. The FPM represents doctors who develop and monitor the safety of medicines and medical devices. Its members work for academic institutes, regulators and pharmaceutical companies in the UK and around the world. The FPM is consulting on its Code of Practice, which will provide ethical guidance to its members.

It is good that the proposals say that all clinical trials must be registered before they begin but there needs to be a timeframe of one year to report results. The FDA and new EU Clinical Trials regulation require results to be reported within one year of the completion of a trial.

Read the full AllTrials response to the consultation.

To submit your own response, complete the form on the Faculty’s website and email it to Ben Cottam ( by 9 AM BST on Monday, 13th October 2014. Feel free to use part or all of our response in your submission.