The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is pleased to support the principles of the AllTrials statement.

NHMRC recognises the importance of registering clinical trials.  A NHMRC Enabling Grant funded the establishment of the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR) in 2005. The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007) (the Code), with which all NHMRC funded researchers must comply, requires the registration of clinical trials with a recognised clinical trials register.  In addition, the NHMRC Funding Rules, which apply to all funding schemes, require that all NHMRC funded clinical trials be registered in the ANZCTR, or equivalent, prior to commencement of the clinical phase.

NHMRC is committed to the transparency and reporting of NHMRC-funded research outcomes.  The Code states that researchers have a responsibility to their colleagues and the wider community to disseminate a full account of their research as broadly as possible.  This responsibility is reinforced by the NHMRC Open Access Policy.

Whilst acknowledging that there may be some barriers to overcome, NHMRC supports the principle of publishing clinical trial methods and summary results.