24th May 2013
Ahead of next week’s vote on clinical trial regulations BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation, has joined the AllTrials campaign. BEUC is the umbrella group in Brussels for 39 independent national consumer organisations from 30 European countries. BEUC’s main task is to defend the interests of all Europe’s consumers.
Today BEUC said: “BEUC is pleased to join the AllTrials campaign. Recent drugs related scandals undermined consumers’ confidence in regulators and ultimately in the safety of the medicines. Openness, transparency and accountability are pivotal elements to restore public trust. Clinical trials results are useful not only for researchers and health professionals but also for the general public. Consumers, as patients, carers and potential users of medicines, want to be more involved in the decisions regarding their health and they have the right to access information on clinical trials. The disclosure of trials data empowers consumers and contributes to better quality of health care.”
We have until 29th May to make sure MEPs hear our arguments for transparency. Please write to your MEP and tell them that all European consumers and patients want them to vote for greater transparency. All the information you need is here http://www.alltrials.net/news/list-of-meps/